Microsoft Word Document Formatting Service
University Transcriptions and TP Transcription Limited are pleased to announce that our new Microsoft Word Formatting Assistance Service is open for business.
Zoom Etiquette
Zoom etiquette from TP Transcription. Although when video conferencing you’re not meeting face to face, there are still certain rules that you should follow for good practice. Article by Emily Fagan.
Website Accessibility, the Public Sector and Transcription Services
We are picking up a number of orders from local authorities and town councils in relation to their websites, following a new set of regulations requiring accessible websites.
Automated Subtitling Nightmares
Automated subtitling nightmares – an article by TP Transcription and University Manual subtitling much more accurate than automatic subtitles.
The UK has left the EU – are you still covered by GDPR?
What happens to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance when the UK leaves the EU?
Living Wage Week 2020
Living Wage Week 2020 – highlighting the changes to the Living Wage from the Living Wage Foundation. Update from TP Transcription Limited.
Online Translation – Is it Any Good?
Our company provides translation and transcription into and out of every world language, but a lot of internet users will use an instant translation service to quickly check a phrase or word out. How do these fare? We asked Emily Fagan to test five of the best.
University Open Days and Subtitling
Closed caption subtitling services for universities running virtual open days. SRT files available and fast service from TP Transcription and University Transcriptions.
A**hole or A***hole? A Transcriber Speaks Out
A**hole or A***ehole? An article on transcribing swearwords and localised language variations from TP Transcription Limited.
DIY Transcription – a Guide
A guide on how to do transcription work yourself. DIY transcription guide on transcribing for free from TP Transcription Limited, specialist transcribers and translators based in the UK.