What is Burnt-in Timecoding (BITC)?
Burn-in Time Code or Burnt-in Timecoding (depending on which part of the world you are from!) is the time code that you can actually see on a video. For example if you choose extra features on an episode of a TV show you can often see a scrolling numbers right at the bottom of the…

Zoom Video Conferencing – how to stay safe and secure whilst using it
Zoom is the video conferencing tool of choice worldwide and a great resource for recording audio remotely for transcription. But how do you say safe and secure in view of recent media reports on concerns about Zoom security?

When is a Transcription not a Translation? Transcription vs Translation
There is often a lot of confusion in relation to the work of transcription companies as to exactly what constitutes a transcription of work from an audio recording and what constitutes a translation of words from an audio recording. The distinction is pretty obvious when it comes to the written word, as each word needs…

The arduous task of recruiting new transcribers
Here at TP Transcription Limited and University Transcriptions we operate an extremely vigorous recruitment process when it comes to offering jobs in transcription to new transcribers. The very nature of transcription work requires an ultra sensitive ear for deciphering the spoken word, an extremely good grasp of the English language which we require native English…

Transcription – what is it and how much does it cost?
What is a transcription? Transcription is a process involving the first step of gene expression. It is where DNA, a nucleic acid has a particular segment copied into another nucleic acid called RNA. It is also in the DNA of University Transcriptions and TP Transcription Ltd, specialist academic research and business transcription services. It is…

The Good Guide to Lazy Blogging
Being a blogger and constantly writing articles, posting videos, doing podcasts can be a full time job and there are numerous people out there in the world who make considerable amounts of money from their blogging online. This is a guide for those people who really haven’t got the time to spend hours on end…

What is the going rate for transcription services? Prices for transcription
What is the going rate for transcription services? Price indicators for transcription companies, automated transcription platforms and rates paid to individual transcribers. Charges for audio transcription and video transcription are generally the same these days because the transcription software used is powerful enough to ensure that the transcriber is able to complete the work at…