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Looking for an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) or Confidentiality Undertaking before uploading? No problem – just contact us and we’ll send one over.

NB: once you have clicked the Upload button below please leave this page open and wait until you get a message to say ‘file uploaded’. We will be in touch to confirm receipt within 24 hours.

Our Accreditations

We are Cyber Essentials Plus audited annually and we hold the Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certificates. We are UKAS ISO 27001:2022 audited and accredited and ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 systems accredited company. We are members of the American Translators Association and we are assessed for GDPR compliance annually by IASME (Cyber Assurance Level 1).

10% Profits to Charity

10% of our profits are donated to the Ten Percent Foundation, a charitable trust registered in the UK. Since 2000 over £150,000 has been donated to projects in Africa and the UK. Click here for details.