Premium Services from TP Transcription

We Go The Extra Mile – Part 24

One of the major USPs (unique selling points) of TP Transcription Limited and University Transcriptions (our specialist academic arm) is that we go much, much further than any other transcription company. We don’t just say this – we do it.

Voluntary Internal Reviews x Lots

If we think there is something up with a transcript we will review it again and quite possibly again, and even more possibly again. We want to get it right – if we can.

Strong Accents – no extra charge

If there are strong accents on a transcript we don’t charge you anything extra to transcribe them.

Hard to Hear Audio? We keep working

If we do need to listen to it again because the recording is difficult to hear, we don’t charge you anything extra.

Any Problems – Speak to a Human

We also provide a personal service so that a human will be involved in reviewing, correcting and adjusting any mistakes and errors that crop up in our completed work.

We Always Try

We never, ever send back work without trying to complete it first. Some of the large transcription companies in the USA will immediately return your work without bothering to try to complete it if they think its too much trouble.

Quality Transcription Service Example

Take the following example. We’ve recently completed a lengthy transcription project for Ulster University. They had recordings with astonishingly high levels of background noise, strong Belfast accents and this was pretty much consistent throughout all the recordings we worked on.

Our first (human) transcriber completed the transcription but flagged up with time stamps extensive errors that were showing in the work. She then notified our quality control manager that there had been difficulties so that our quality control manager could then review and see if there was further work that could be done.

Our quality control manager reviewed the audio file and decided it needed a full extra layer of transcription applying to it, and so the recording and the transcription was sent to one of our proof reading team who provide our specialist back up service in circumstances like this.

The proof reader went through the recordings, listened carefully to all the unclears and added in the necessary words.

We have specialist software that is able to filter out some of the background noise, enhance the spoken word and also speed up and slow down the whole recording to pick up extra bits in order to be able to provide our clients with as most accurate a version of the recording as possible.

The Extra Cost? Nothing

This of course all takes considerably extra time, but we don’t charge anything more for it.

Furthermore, unlike our large competitors who will simply return work and say they can’t do it; we will always have a go at completing transcripts even if the recordings are very difficult to hear.

No Artificial Intelligence (AI) Transcription

We don’t use artificial intelligence to complete our transcription work and if you use TP Transcription or University Transcriptions you are paying for a premium service with exceptional customer support.

Once we had completed our first transcript, our quality control check and our additional layer of proof reading and correction, we were able to supply the completed transcripts to our client. His feedback is below, and this is why if you visit our feedback page we get so many responses from our clients to say how grateful they are for the work that we do, because our company really does go the extra mile to get you as most accurate a transcription or translation as possible.

Thank you for this. The transcripts are great! Despite the challenging audio and strong Belfast accents, I think you have done a fantastic job. I’ll definitely be using this service again. Kind regards, Ryan

Ryan Adams, PhD Researcher, Ulster University

Our Accreditations

We are Cyber Essentials Plus audited annually and we hold the Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certificates. We are UKAS ISO 27001:2022 audited and accredited and ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 systems accredited company. We are members of the American Translators Association and we are assessed for GDPR compliance annually by IASME (Cyber Assurance Level 1).

10% Profits to Charity

10% of our profits are donated to the Ten Percent Foundation, a charitable trust registered in the UK. Since 2000 over £150,000 has been donated to projects in Africa and the UK. Click here for details.