How to Publish & Transcribe Podcasts

Producing podcasts and getting them on to the web is extremely straightforward and usually takes very little effort. The same applies for transcribing podcasts so that you can produce articles for your website or blog simply by having the audio file turned into a document.

Zoom – Audio Recording Best

To record a podcast you can pretty much use any recording device you like, providing it’s picking up the audio. If you are undertaking a conversation remotely using Zoom then finding the audio file for a podcast is extremely straightforward. In fact if you have recorded a Zoom then unless you are Jackie Weaver and the Handforth Parish Council then you probably really don’t need to be using a video file to get the content streamed online and you would be better off using the audio file in any event. The size of the file is much smaller and the viewer does not really get much out of staring at a Zoom meeting.

Using an audio file from Zoom is extremely straightforward and the organiser of the Zoom simply needs to access the back office and download the recording (assuming they have remembered of course to set the recording going at the start of the meeting!).

MP3 Format for Podcasts

Once you have your audio recording, regardless of where it has come from, then chances are it will be in MP3 format. MP3 format is incredibly easy to manipulate and get onto the web, and the easiest way of doing it is to use one of the free podcasting services that are available online, rather than trying to upload yourself to your website.

ISPs (Internet Service Providers) Do Not Like Large Audio Files

We had a podcast to upload today and I tried to get the audio recording onto our website, but our service provider rejected the file because it was too big and they didn’t like the look of it. This is quite common and we have found this in the past with video files as well. Using one of the free podcast services is going to be the easiest way of doing it. Not only that, you can also create your own podcast channel in the same way as a radio station, simply by uploading recordings on an ongoing basis and starting to develop a bit of a following for yourself.


We used which is part of the Spotify group of companies. After signing up for a new account we simply clicked new episode, upload file and then the system did everything for us. We were able to get our podcast online within five minutes, even though the file was 55MB and lasted for an hour and five minutes. Once the file was uploaded Anchor gave us a link to access it and also enabled us to post onto our social media streams as required.

Once we had our URL link we could post this on to our own websites and blogs as well as use it to access the recording, which meant we could blog about it, link to it and add to pages as required.

Benefit of Recording Podcasts

The benefit of recording podcasts is that you can get the audio files transcribed and so not only do you have an audio file online that people can listen to (for example if they’re driving in their cars or travelling), you also have content that you can add to your website or blog as separate articles. So if you have given a talk or done a podcast that has four separate subjects then each of those subjects can be a new article for your website or blog. This will increase the amount of content you have on your website and also the amount of visibility your website gets in the search engine rankings.

Cost of Transcription

The cost of transcribing podcasts is usually quite inexpensive, particularly if there is only one speaker. Two speaker podcasts are slightly more expensive but either are usually very straightforward to get transcribed and converted.

If you would like a quote for transcribing a podcast simply drop us a line. We can access podcast recordings on all the major platforms so you do not need to do anything other than tell us where it is.

Our Accreditations

We are Cyber Essentials Plus audited annually and we hold the Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certificates. We are UKAS ISO 27001:2022 audited and accredited and ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 systems accredited company. We are members of the American Translators Association and we are assessed for GDPR compliance annually by IASME (Cyber Assurance Level 1).

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10% of our profits are donated to the Ten Percent Foundation, a charitable trust registered in the UK. Since 2000 over £150,000 has been donated to projects in Africa and the UK. Click here for details.