University Open Days and Subtitling
Closed caption subtitling services for universities running virtual open days. SRT files available and fast service from TP Transcription and University Transcriptions.

TP Transcription become a Preferred Supplier for the University of Leeds and University of Cambridge
TP Transcription and UniversityTranscriptions.co.uk become preferred suppliers to the University of Cambridge and the University of Leeds.

Transcription Security – What Does the Appen Limited Data Breach Teach Us?
Appen Data Breach – what does it teach other transcription companies and what lessons can be learnt?

Quality Transcription from Somewhere in the World
High quality transcription from somewhere in the world and numerous spelling errors on adverts. Article from TP Transcription Limited.

Gail Jefferson – interesting facts about the creator of Conversation Analysis
Our sister site University Transcriptions has posted an interesting article on Gail Jefferson, the creator of the Jefferson Transcription System and pioneer of the study of conversation.

TP Transcription at the BAFTAs TV Awards 2020
The TP Transcription team were busy on Friday night – transcribing the Virgin Media British Academy Television Awards 2020 for BAFTA, concentrating particularly on the Winners’ Acceptance Speeches.

Recent Feedback – Birkbeck, University of London, Mindbridge and University of Derby
Feedback from Birkbeck, Hidden Persuaders, Mindbridge, Derby Uni customers for TP Transcription Limited and University Transcriptions services.

Transcription News – Covid Extensions and Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off
How you should write ‘lockdown’ etc, funding withdrawal issues, nice testimonials, in house transcription and refer a friend.

TP Transcription Limited – Preferred Supplier to Université de Bordeaux and now registered Chorus Pro User
TP Transcription Limited is now Preferred Supplier to Université de Bordeaux (University of Bordeaux) and now registered Chorus Pro User.

TP Transcription News Round Up
University Birmingham Great Debate YouTube video, query regarding booking in future work and feedback from an MBA student.