Business Blogging – what to talk about?

Business blogging is a sure fire way of increasing your sales, your customer experience, your turnover, and ultimately your bank balance. But what exactly do you write about and how much should you say each time?

The answer to this is simply how much time you have to spare. Our recommendation is that you fasten your smart phone to a cradle, stick it in your car and every time you’re driving anywhere you press record on your voice recording memo on your phone, think of something to talk about and fire away.

Keep a note somewhere on your phone or in your email account of anything that catches your eye, whether this is good customer service, bad experiences with clients, good experiences with suppliers, issues that prop up in your place of work such as legal or moral issues, and use this list to put articles together as you drive along.

For example, yesterday I had a very bad experience with a supplier of a job board, which is where we place our jobs for our recruitment company. I sent myself an email saying ‘write an article about’ and today on the school run I have dictated the article, bemoaning the level of customer service at and how they could have done it better.

The Plumber

Take the example of a plumber. You have just been round to somebody’s house to service their boiler. When you got there you discovered that the customer had not done anything with the boiler to get it ready for you to access, so you had to spend the first 20 minutes taking the top off the unit surrounding the boiler, you had to get a duster out to wipe the service as it was caked in dust, you needed to remove a load of shoes and wellies that were in your way and generally you wasted quite a bit of time. Here is an example of the sort of content that would make a good blog on this subject:

Blog Example Article

“Just been on a job to a client’s house in Chester [location brought in because it’s good for search engine optimisation]. Client was very friendly and offered me a cup of tea. Diagnosed that there was a blockage in the oil pipe feeding into the boiler and bled the boiler. Important for house owners at this time of year to make sure they’ve got plenty of oil in the tank so that they do not get air bubbles coming into the system and requiring an expensive callout from high quality and fast emergency plumbers such as John Smith & Co in Chester [don’t forget to promote yourself every chance you’ve got]. One thing that every customer could do to help me at an emergency, do my job faster and charge lower prices (even though I charge extremely low and competitive charges as it is) is to tidy up around the boiler before I get there. Today I found the client had left four pairs of willies, three pairs of shoes, half an inch of dust, a unit on top of the boiler, three crates of recycling and no easy access into the boiler from any direction without me needing to take remedial steps and tidying up. Every customer could help and it gives you a chance to clean up around your boiler, which you would probably not otherwise think about. So before you call an emergency plumber like John Smith & Co in Chester today for fast and quick emergency repairs, please have a tidy up around your boiler and save us all the bother!”

This took me about 3 minutes to dictate into my phone as I drive along, and will probably take about 3 minutes for a transcriber to type out for you. It could be on your website within a day or two and be picked up by Google for all the lovely extra key words you have included within a week, if not less.

This is what will get you business and people visiting your site. Content, content and more content. But you cannot leave this to other people and there is really no excuse as high quality voice recorders are on just about every mobile phone used in the UK you can easily hammer out similar articles every week, get your website noticed, have an increase in sales and boost your profits. Recommendation for a blog transcription service? Visit (part of the Ten Percent group).


Our Accreditations

We are Cyber Essentials Plus audited annually and we hold the Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certificates. We are UKAS ISO 27001:2022 audited and accredited and ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 systems accredited company. We are members of the American Translators Association and we are assessed for GDPR compliance annually by IASME (Cyber Assurance Level 1).

10% Profits to Charity

10% of our profits are donated to the Ten Percent Foundation, a charitable trust registered in the UK. Since 2000 over £150,000 has been donated to projects in Africa and the UK. Click here for details.